
Tybalt is loyal to his family and is an angry guy. Death is also loyal to his job, collecting souls from the dead and is an angry guy as well

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fight of my Life

Just as I turned the corner to get away from the last fight I was in Romeo turned the corner and started yelling at me. Everyone stopped and Romeo started saying I killed Mercutio. Romeo came running at me with his fists clenched, I dodged his first swing and Romeo fell. When Romeo got up somehow someway he had a sword. I needed one, and I needed one NOW. Romeo was running at me but, he was still a good twenty yards away. I started yelling at my friends for a sword, by now Romeo was just about to me. Romeo swung at me and thankfully I had a sword to block it. Romeo and I fought for a few minutes and then Romeo got even with me. I have NO idea how the heck he stabbed me but, he did; and it was fatal. I was dead, and so was Mercutio.

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